
Learning Is Not A Spectator Sport...Those Who Put The Work In!

WOW!  I can’t believe it has been a year.  I don’t think I would be where I am today without your help and guidance.  Life is good and I feel healthy.  I still have to think and plan and obviously make decisions but knowing what I need to do makes it easier for me.  When I left off with you I had a few more pounds to go before hitting 100 lost so I did that and I have since maintained and it feels really good to have accomplished this.  I still have my books and notes and visit them regularly so that I can always remember to try new things and I can always keep things fresh.  I think the greatest thing I learned was learning about me.  That was the key it was simply me; what makes me full, what makes me energized, what works for me!  So all in all I am doing very well I think of you often and I still talk about you and the things I learned and still use today especially to those that I see struggling and trying to find a fad diet or exercise routine that will work for them when really it is a lot easier to be successful when you listen to your body!!


You are the greatest Coach!



Thank you so much for all the help and encouragement during the last 21 days.


Looking back now, the thing that stuck with me the most is that I do have time, and it's important that I make time FOR ME!  I am being a better mom and wife when I commit to doing something for me.  I needed this challenge to remember that.  It's so easy to put everyone's needs in front of my own, but if you commit to being better for yourself, it's better for everyone.


I also learned about myself.  I learned that if I don't exercise in the morning, I won't do it.  I learned not to feed my three year old lunch when I'm hungry, because before you know it I've picked at half his sandwich and pretzels.  I learned that it's okay to say NO, I am not going to hae a glass of wine or that piece of pizza.  I learned to think about what I'm putting in my body.  And, I think the biggest thing I learned over these 21 days....I can not have flavor blasted Goldfish in the house.  Ever.  Period.  Sorry boys!!


Thanks so much!  I feel stronger, healthier, and more in tune with me!


You are a great coach!



"I never, ever thought I'd be that person."


That is what I say when I tell people about Bootcamp.  I never thought I would get up AND OUT to exercise at 5:45 in the morning!  But here I am, two years later and still doing it!  Deb is an awesome coach and makes every class worth the 5:00am alarm!  


Bootcamp is an amazing workout with a great group of people.  It's more than an exercise class.  Yes, it's challenging and really hard work, but it's also encouraging and fun!  The routines are always different so you never get bored.  The music is incorporated perfectly.  I can't say enough about it.  I never saw results like this I went to the gym.  I don't know where I'd be with out it!



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© Deb Houldin Health Coach, LLC Deborah Houldin nor anyone associated with Deborah Houdlin Health Coach, LLC will be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at your home, gym or elsewhere. Consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.