
What is it you are looking for?  

 Do you want to:


* Enjoy your life beyond circumstances

* Build your God confidence

* Increase your energy  

* Form a vision based on truth

Improve your nutrition

* Create lasting relationships

Could one conversation change your life? Schedule a free initial consultation with me today!

When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve? 

It’s rare for anyone to get 50 minutes to work on their nutrition and goals with a trained professional. As a Health Coach, I create a supportive environment that will enable you to set a vision and work toward that vision assessing along the way how God's truth factors in. Together, we can make time and space for the truth and how it pertains to your vision while designing steps to walk the walk. 

Most approaches to nutrition dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins. Instead of creating lists of restrictions and good and bad foods, I coach my clients to create a joyful, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial with discipline that gives you joy!

No one diet works for everyone. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Have you ever received good advice that you were unable to follow? Has your doctor or friend ever recommended a lifestyle change that you found to be unsustainable? Have you ever wanted something in your life, but found you couldn’t achieve it alone?


Health Coaching is where faith meets health and knowledgable advisors who are disciples of Jesus provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and joy. As your health coach, I will listen carefully and help you to navigate the world of contradictory world advice vs. biblical truths on health advice to determine what steps are necessary for you.


Together, we will explore concerns specific to you and your body, mind and spirit and discover the tools you need for your life journey and learn how to assess for necessary changes along the way.


As a client of my health coaching program, you will…

             * learn about God's grace which is the foundation for knowing who you        are created to be

     * set and accomplish stepping stones toward your vision in a way that is empowering and exciting

            * design the work in meaningful stepping stones to achieve this vision

            * understand and reduce your cravings

             * increase your energy levels

            * feel great in your body

            * learn about new foods and how you can easily incorporate them

            * develop tools to improve your personal relationships

           * discover the confidence to create the life you were created for.

Your program includes...

            - two 50-minute sessions per month

            - Invitation to Bible Study once a week

            - texting or email support between sessions

             - coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle      changes you want

            - a commitment from both you and I to your health and dedication to this journey


To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation with me.  During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle to determine how I can best support you in aligning God and your vision for your life.


Contact me today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Core Values!!!

"I don't have the time to eat right."  

"I have too much on my plate to be working out right now."

"Maybe in the spring I will have more time to get healthy and loose a few pounds for summer."


Have you heard this before?  Has it come from YOUR mouth in one form or another?  


Truth is we do what we want to do.  In understanding WHY I do the things I do or WHY I DON'T do the things I feel I WANT to do, I have come across something called core values.  In one of our council meetings at Salem Covenant Church, our pastor, Linda, is spending a lot of time with the council exploring the answers to: "What is the DNA of our church.  What are our CORE VALUES."  She went on to explain that core values are those values we hold that form the foundation which we perform work and conduct ourselves.  




I'm going to work with you to develop your core values as they are esential when making choices for you or your family or church.  There are many values to choose from, however, some are SO PRIMARY to YOU, that no matter what changes in your day, on the news, on social media, in politics, in technology, YOUR CORE VALUES are SO IMPORTANT they are CONSTANT!!


Core values are the practices we use (or should be using) every day in everything we think and eventually do!  Let's take time and discover what your are today and perhaps what you really want for your core values.  


Look up core value examples or brainstorm with your family and friends.  Challenge yourself to WRITE THEM DOWN!!!  You may be surprised how your focus changes for the better.  Your thoughts and daily tasks begin to take form.  You may even feel...FULFILLED...SATISFIED...AWESOME!!!


Go ahead!  I want to hear ALL ABOUT YOUR CORE VALUES!!!

In Gratitude!


Deborah Houldin, LPT, HC, 



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© Deb Houldin Health Coach, LLC Deborah Houldin nor anyone associated with Deborah Houdlin Health Coach, LLC will be responsible or liable for any injury sustained while exercising at your home, gym or elsewhere. Consult a doctor before starting any exercise program.